Recently I had the pleasure of having lunch with one of our clients here in Richmond, Virginia. In this particular case my client’s project was roughly half complete. Many times, that’s the point where managers and business owners start getting nervous about “go live goals” and over-all investment. Part of my job through the years has been to assure clients that we are there for them and up to the task of delivering on time and on budget.
Generally, one management level associate at the client company is the project sponsor. Often, he or she was involved in the buying decision and may even have recommended our company and SAP Business One. Many times, that sponsor feels a responsibility to see the project through and may even suffer a bit of anxiety in the sense that they have made the recommendation. So, when a client says something like “don’t let me down” we take that request very seriously.
The good news from my standpoint, is that I can look that client in the eye and assure him or her that we will see the project through to successful conclusion. And, unlike the client, I feel no anxiety about making that commitment. Here’s the simple reason. My team.
Of course, with all projects there are twists and turns. Often needs come up after the contract has been signed and the folks here at ACUMEN need to be prepared to deal with those twists and turns in a somewhat measured if not formal way. That’s what our clients expect and what we deliver.
The professional services teams here at ACUMEN Corporation are information systems, ERP and SAP consultants with many years of experience in implementing end to end solutions for our clients. Moreover, they truly listen to our clients when they speak…during the sale cycle, discovery phase and over the course of the implementation.
As an aside, when I have interviewed candidates for consulting positions with our company over the years, I have asked one key question “what is the most important attribute or talent a consultant must have”. Without fail the folks on our team here at ACUMEN Corporation gave me what I consider to be the right answer…”being a good listener”.
So, when I had lunch with the young client executive, I knew that my team had listened carefully and helped to guide the client’s team along the critical path of the project. I had all the confidence in the world in making the necessary assurances to my lunch companion. I must say he looked relieved and it sure was a good lunch!
If you would like to meet one of the remarkable teams at ACUMEN Corporation and have one of us really listen to you and your needs, visit our web site at www.ACUMENcorp.com or drop us a note at letstalk@ACUMENcorp.com.