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(804) 323-0467

The Promise; Words to Grow By

Last week I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Morris Hartley, President of H&H Products in Orlando, Florida and his CFO Clayton Morris. We had several things to discuss but the subject quickly turned to what their team calls “Our Promise”. I was so impressed by the verbiage originally written by Morris’s father Len when the company was founded that I simply had to share it with others.

I’m a great proponent of clearly stating company philosophy and commitment to the business community and the public at large, as evidenced by our credo. But this no-nonsense statement of direction by the senior Mr. Hartley has to be one of the most articulate and plain spoken promises I’ve encountered in my years as a CEO and business writer. By all indications H&H Products still lives by the Promise every day.

I think the Promise lets potential customers and even suppliers know what to expect when working with H&H.  How refreshing. So have a look and see if you wouldn’t be inclined to do business with a company with this sort of commitment. Words to Grow By.

“We must do exactly what we say we are going to do, exactly when we say we are going to do it, or contact the parties involved. This contact should be made prior to our appointment or promised delivery. This policy is important for all relationships, family, customers and fellow employees! It is mandatory for all employees and suppliers of H&H Products Company”

You can learn more about his fascinating company and their extensive line of products at the following web site:

Just sayin’.